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  • How Do I Use Natural Creams?
    For natural creams, start with clean, dry skin. Apply a small amount, massage gently until absorbed. Prior to full use, patch-test to check for any allergic reactions.
  • What are natural products?
    Natural products are substances derived from natural sources such as plants, animals, minerals, or microbes, often used for health, beauty, or household purposes.
  • Do natural products expire?
    Check expiration dates on natural products by degraded ingredients can affect safety and efficacy by Storing properly.
  • Are natural products effective?
    Natural products often deliver effective results due to their pure, botanical ingredients and minimal use of synthetics.
  • Where can I get natural products?
    You can purchase natural products from health stores, online platforms, and specialized eco-friendly retailers worldwide.
  • How are natural products regulated?
    Natural products are regulated by government agencies and industry standards to ensure safety and authenticity.
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